Kaysha Kealalio


I am pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science-Security Science within the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. My anticipated graduation date is in the Spring of 2024.

Interests: Pen Testing, Ethical Hacking, Networking, Cryptography


UHM CyberCorps Scholarship for Service 2022

The Scholarship for Service (SFS) program offers numerous government opportunities and scholarships to students pursuing careers in the field of cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity Government UH Manoa

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NASA L'SPACE Academy 2022

The NASA Lucy Student Pathway Accelerator and Competency Enabler (L'SPACE) Academy is a free, online, interactive 12-week program that enables college students to gain insight into the space industry.

NASA LSPACE ACADEMY University of Hawaii at Manoa

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Native Hawaiian Science and Engineering Mentorship Program (NHSEMP) 2021

NHSEMP is a program dedicated to minority students involed in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).

Native Hawaiian STEM Computer Science

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A Whole New World

07 May 2023

My Personal Experience The song “A Whole New World” just about sums up my feelings about taking my first software engineering class. The part of the song that I especially like is: A whole new world (every turn a surprise)...

Software Engineering Ethics in Software Engineering User Interface Frameworks

Blueprints for Programming

27 Apr 2023

Creating the Blueprints Most people in the tech field know that reusing code is such a great way to save time and headaches. Another great headache prevention technique is to have programmers create their own design patterns. Design patterns are...

Design Patterns of Coding Software Engineering Blueprints

The Standards of Coding

09 Feb 2023

Coding for Humans One of the most common phrases that computer scientists say is “write programs for people not computers”. If you make your code understandable, your future self and those who are reading your code will thank you. At...

Standards of Coding ESLint Intellij

Javascript: Entering New Territory

20 Jan 2023

My Learning Journey You can never be too comfortable in computer science. Once you are about to settle into your comfort zone, everything in computer science changes. New coding languages are developed, technology and computer parts are advancing, and there...

Software Engineering Javascript Computer Science

Lets Get Personal

19 Jun 2022

My main career goal is to eventually become a penetration tester for a triple letter agency ideally the NSA, CIA, FBI or DEA. Eventually, I hope to move up the ladder and become the Chief Information Security Officer or CISO....

Career Goals Computer Science